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Getting started with our Applicant Tracking System (AMC) is easy and will require little training or IT Support with your Recruiters. We focus on employers with 30 to 10,000 employees looking for an optimized system that is transparent and designed to work with human resources recruiters, as well as security personnel assisting them in workflow management and features that will help them in their hiring decision.
AMC is geared toward our clients and ease of use...
Built-in FCRA Compliant --- including State Level Disclosures and separate Authorizations
Electronic Signatures
Social Security Number redacted for all 3rd party requests to eliminate privacy issues.
Candidate data collection to reduce data entry for the employer and reducing "keying errors".
Maintaining an overview of the recruiting process 24/7.
Capturing the information required that is relevant for the background check in a cost-effective manner.
No transaction fees or per user fees.

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